September 11 2001

On September 11, 2001, al-Qaeda terrorist hijacked four commercial airliners and crashed them into the Pentagon and both World Trade Center towers. One of the hijacked planes crashed in a field in Pennsylvania, as passengers aboard fought for control of the plane. Nearly 3000 people died from the attacks.

Every 90s kid remembers where they were. I woke up to it while staying at a relative’s house. I heard a whole bunch of commotion downstairs. The phones were ringing off the hook. I walked down the stairs halfway and saw my parents glued to the television. I could tell by their expressions that something extremely bad happened and things weren’t going to be the same ever again.

End of the 90s and my childhood.

I was in High School at the time and it felt like the world was coming to an end.

The positive vibes and fun times ended. Things got real.

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