The Guys Next Door

The Guys Next Door were an early 1990s boy band with members Eddie Garcia, Patrick Dancy, Bobby Leslie, Chris Wolf and Damon Sharpe. They were portrayed as the new generation of The Monkees. Their single “I’ve been waiting for you.” charted on the Billboard hot 100. The band had a self titled show that aired Saturday mornings on NBC.

I’d say these guys were more New Kids on the Block then Monkees. They charted, but got lost in an oblivion of 90s R&B bands.
The brother made a few cameos on black 90s sitcoms, he be like a boyfriend, bully, or love interest.
One Band Wonder. “I’ve been waiting for you” was sorta, maybe “aight” for their target audience I guess.


1. Guys Next Door – I was made for you – Youtube
2. Guys Next Door – I’ve been waiting for you – Youtube

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